Thursday, March 17, 2016

One Hundred Signs You May Be A Conspiracy Theory , Tin Foil Hat Wearing Wing Nut ... Part 1

Alex Jones , the internet's favorite source for wing nuts.

Some people will believe the wackiest nonsense they come across on the Internet , whether it's Alex Jones ranting about the New World Oder , chem-trails , or David Icke rambling about alien lizards from the fourth dimension running the world. So , I thought I would put together a list of one hundred signs that you may be conspiracy theory , tin foil hat wearing wing nut wacko if ...

1. You believe Barack Obama is a Muslim Manchurian candidate.

2. You believe the president is a card-carrying socialist/communist dictator.

3. You believe Obama is worse than Hitler. Hitler killed six million Jews.

4. You believe Obama personally implemented Fast And Furious , and is working hand in hand with drug cartels.

5. You believe Obama is a white culture hating racist. He's bi-racial.

6. You believe the president is secretly gay.

7. You believe Obama Care literally contains death panels.

8. You believe the president is part of a New World Order to destroy America through communism.

9. You believe Liberals are both fascists and communists , and are destroying your free speech.

10. You believe Michelle Obama is really a man , therefore proving that the president really is gay.

If you believe any of the above , you are indeed a conspiracy theory , tin foil hat wearing wing nut wacko , and belong in an institution.

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